Tuesday, September 9, 2008


I'm getting some time to write, because I dont have class this afternoon! Well thats lovely, but at them moment i'm unable to get to my car because it is POURING rain outside. And because I commute I have to park way far away. I really didn't feel like walking in the rain to get to my car so I'm waiting in my mom's office until the rain stops so I can go home. ^.^

I'm having a lot of fun in my classes, but the only thing I'm worried about is my writing. My professor gives us grades on our papers, but doesn't show them to us, SO at the moment I Have NO idea what my grade is. I find out on thursday, but I really dont want to wait that long. All the comments she has given me on my papers is telling me that I get the gist of it, but I don't completely have the ideas. That bothers me, because I really want to get it right.

So i'm waiting impatiently for my grades on Thursday. I probably wont update till then because I have lots of reading to do, and I also have work.

See ya!

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

Hey Jenny! How did it go on Thursday? How did you do? I hope you did well! Happy Friday!