Sunday, November 23, 2008

I wanna Hippopotomus for Christmas....uhh jk.

If you wanna know what to get me for christmas I made my list public on Amazon, so you can get your ideas from there. Just search for my list using

A few notes to add to the list.
-The boots someone is probably already getting me....
-The soundtrack someone also may be getting me....

But other than that, have at it!


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

SORRY! I've been so busy!

AHHH sorry guys!

I've been so busy with school, and work lately that I haven't had time to breathe, let alone post. I've been working hard, but I dont know how i'm actually doing in my class. My professor seems to have a lack of knowledge in the area of what he's doing. >.< He's really smart, where he knows random facts about history, that no one would ever know, but he doesn't know when he set due dates for things, and he completely forgets about homework assignments, and things like that. I'm hoping that I get a good grade, but that's looking less and less likely as time goes on. I just have to hope that the website I'm making will be good enough to make up for some of the mistakes i've made in earlier papers.

I can't wait till thanksgiving. This year we're changing it up and heading to New Hampshire with my dad's side of the family. I've missed my cousins terribly, and am so excited cuz I get to see them more than twice a year this time! So next week i'll be working on my website, and going to New Hampshire, so I probably wont post for a while again.

Love you all!

Monday, November 3, 2008


Yes I'm voting tomorow...and going to DC....and going to work

Busy day tomorow, but here's something to pass your time

I was laughing the entire time, especially since my last play i did was les miz